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English 160 &161: Introduction to Library Research

Background Research

Background sources, referred to as tertiary sources, can provide useful facts and summary information about historical people and events. Consulting an encyclopedia can give you insight into key names and dates associated with historical events which can be useful when conducting research for primary and secondary sources.

Secondary Sources

The library subscribes to numerous databases for finding secondary sources, both subject specific and multidisciplinary in nature.

Primary Sources

In addition to consulting the bibliographies of secondary sources such as books and journal articles, you can search digitized primary source collections to find sources from historical periods. The history research guide provides comprehensive access to tools for searching for primary and secondary sources at UIC.

Primary source keywords: In addition to searching the collections below, you can search the UIC Library search/catalog, combining your topic with certain keywords that will connect you to primary sources.

Here is a list of some useful keywords that can connect you to primary sources:  "correspondence," "diaries," "personal narratives," "interviews," "speeches," "documents," "sources," "manuscripts," "letters," "pamphlets," "photographs," "oral history," "archives," "first-hand accounts," "eyewitness," "early works," and "primary."