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Pediatrics: Journal Filters, Selected Tutorials and Handouts, Other Search Aids

NN/LM - Greater Midwest Region Handouts

This links to the Handout page for the Greater Midwest Region NLM handouts. Holly Burt has several links of interest to Patient Safety.

See the bottom of the page for 2 documents on web-based and other resources. See the middle section under the heading PUBMED for the handouts on searching PubMed, including the advanced searching documents.

NOTE: If you use the field tag for Text Word[tw], the MeSH and Subheading fields will be search among other listed fields, BUT MeSH and Subheadings WILL NOT BE EXPLODED. Sometimes this is useful and sometimes it is not!

Search Set for Pediatrics Journals With Filters

Feel free to edit this search string for the NLM Catalog to suit your topical and professional interests. The string below will return about 105 journals if you use the filters including the limit to United States for the country of publication and the Currently Indexed in Medline filter. The limit to the United States is here only for demonstration purposes and not as a recommendation. You will capture international or global journals anyway since many are published in the US. If you remove the United States[pl] at the end of the string, your journal set to choose from will be much larger.

 You can run the search by pasting the string below in the NLM Catalog search boxs (this is one of the databases listed in the box that usually says PubMed).  Then, check off the titles you want to keep and use the ADD TO SEARCH BUILDER button. When you have added in all the journals you want, run the search in PubMed using the SEARCH PUBMED button. Apply a customized date filter together with any other filter you chose. Finally, save the search you created with all the selected journal titles to your MYNCBI account and direct email updates on an interval that works for you. You will initially see all the citations from the date you set to the current date - after that, you will get email updates on citations that appear after the current date.

You can also use this search string as a filter, but remember to leave the parentheses around the filter string (you can even add to the parentheses if you are joining the string with other strings - the point is to have enough parentheses that PubMed recognized this as an encapsulated set. Try this search:

(asthma OR bronchiolitis) AND  (((the string below))) Apply Filters: Publication date from 2014/09/01 to 2014/12/31 -- you should find a little over 100 results as of 11/9/14. 

((Neonatal[mh] OR Neonate[mh] OR Perinatal[mh] OR NICU[mh] OR PICU[mh] OR Prenatal Care[mh] OR Newborn[mh] OR Infant[mh] OR Child[mh] OR Children[mh] OR adolescent[mh] OR Pediatric[mh] OR Pediatrics[mh] OR Paediatric[mh] OR Paediatrics[mh] OR Family Medicine[mh] OR Family Health[mh] OR Child Nutritional Physiological Phenomena[mh] OR Lactation[mh] OR Child Abuse[mh] OR Family Practice[mh] OR Neonatal[ti] OR Neonate[ti] OR Perinatal[ti] OR NICU[ti] OR PICU[ti] OR Prenatal Care[ti] OR Newborn[ti] OR Infant[ti] OR Child[ti] OR Children[ti] OR adolescent[ti] OR Pediatric[ti] OR Pediatrics[ti] OR Paediatric[ti] OR Paediatrics[ti] OR Family Medicine[ti] OR Family Health[ti] OR Child Nutritional Physiological Phenomena[ti] OR Lactation[ti] OR Child Abuse[ti] OR Family Practice[ti])) AND United States[pl]

Special Queries, Clinical Queries, and Optimizing Searches With Pre-determined Filters

PubMed has a page on Special Queries 

Special Queries (SQ) are pre-designed search interfaces that offer pre-designed search filters to find high level evidence in certain topical areas. The oldest is "Clinical Queries" (see immediately below). Another is the "Health Services Research" query (see box below).

Clinical Queries (CQ) is a valuable PubMed search interface that brings specialized pre-designed filters to aid you in getting the highest levels of evidence for patient oriented questions. Each pre-determined filter will retrieve a specific type of study and exclude other types.

PubMed describes the categories of citations the CQ search interface is designed to bring you -

  • "Clinical Study Categories: Find citations corresponding to a specific clinical study category.
  • Systematic Reviews: Find citations for systematic reviews, meta-analyses, reviews of clinical trials, evidence-based medicine, consensus development conferences, and guidelines.
  • Medical Genetics: Find citations related to various topics in medical genetics"

There are a number of ways to get to Clinical Queries online. You can begin at the PubMed main page and look for Clinical Queries under PubMed Tools. Or, you can use the Special Queries page link above. 


The following brief video about Clinical Queries by a U Penn librarian introduces you to CQ from another page

Note, the link to the Haynes' search filters at the bottom of the first column results. Here is a direct link to the Haynes' search filters.

The Haynes search filters, designed by one of the founders of the EBM movement, are joined with your search terms to define very specific evidence retrieval for your search.



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Emily Gilbert
1750 W. Polk St
Chicago, IL 60612
Subjects: Medicine