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Pediatrics: Pediatric Issues

Learning Disabilities

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Bringing the Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders into Focus

" Developed by autism researchers at the Kennedy Krieger Institute, the goal of the tutorial is to improve recognition of the early signs of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in one-year-olds among pediatricians,
parents and early intervention providers."

Note the Fact Sheet entitled Autism Characteristics by Age.


Teen Driving

AAP POLICY STATEMENT: The Teen Driver. Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention Committee on Adolescence PEDIATRICS Volume 118, Number 6, December 2006

Arnett, JJ Development sources of crash risk in young drivers. Inj Prev 2002 8:ii17-ii23.

Chen, Li Hui, Susan P. Baker and Guohua Li. Graduated Driver Licensing Programs and Fatal Crashes of 16-Year-Old Drivers: A National Evaluation. Pediatrics. 2006; 118; 56-62.


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Emily Gilbert
1750 W. Polk St
Chicago, IL 60612
Subjects: Medicine

HIV/AIDS in Adolescence