About EndNote: EndNote is a bibliographic management software program installed on your computer. It allows you to create your own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases. You can use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds.
EndNote can be purchased at a discount through the UIC Webstore by UIC faculty, staff, and students.
EndNote Quick Start Notes
There are multiple different ways to import references into your EndNote account.
- Some databases provide a direct export option specific to EndNote or RIS files which may open directly into EndNote
- Most databases will have an option to save or export a file that you can then import into EndNote
- Manually - manually type the reference details
- EndNote Click is a plugin option that you can use to save citations and pdfs
The EndNote search will not work with UIC’s subscription databases. [Only freely available databases (e.g.PubMed), are accessible through EndNote.]
You can, however, search UIC's catalog by downloading and installing this connection file: https://endnote.com/connections_download/university-of-illinois-chicago/
If you need further assistance with importing citations into EndNote, please contact Ask a Librarian. The UIC Library can help with basic importing questions, but we are not able to assist with other technical issues you may have with EndNote.
For technical issues, please contact EndNote's Technical Support.
Take a look at EndNote's Getting Started Guides for PC and Macs.