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Journal articles (Refereed / Law-review journal)
Peer reviewed or law-reviewed articles published in a journal.
Other Articles (including bulletins, newsletters)
Non-peer reviewed articles published in bulletins, newsletters, and journals
Officially published abstracts of a conference presentation (published post-conference).
Conference Proceedings
Officially published proceedings of a conference presentation (published post-conference).
Books & Monographs
Published books and monographs including being the editor of the book.
Edited Volumes & Translations
Book translations and editing of volumes (such as conference proceedings) of which the faculty member was the editor.
Book Chapters
Contributions published in a book or collection
White papers, technical reports, or other published reports.
Book Review
Published reviews of a book written by another author
Film Review
Published reviews of a film
Creative Works (e.g. compositions, poetry, fiction, play)
Compositions, poetry, fiction, plays, etc.
Scholarly editions
Critical representation of historic documents
Encyclopedia Entries
Entries written for encyclopedias
Policy/ Research/ Amicus Briefs
Wrote a policy/ research/ or amicus brief.
Internet publications (e.g. blogs)
Works published online that do not fit into an existing category such as journal article, video/audio/media, interview, etc
Published datasets
Media (video, audio, images)
Videos, podcasts, interactive digital works and other media creations
Software / Code
Published programs, applications, code
Theses / Dissertations
Authored, not supervised, theses or dissertations
Published figures
Published patents
Professional Meeting/ Conference Presentations
Presentations given at conferences and professional meetings.
Posters presented at scholarly/professional meeting/conference
Invited Colloquia & Symposia
Events where faculty member was invited to give the keynote, plenary, or featured talk at a colloquia, symposia, or conference.
Invited Workshops/ Lectures
Invited to teach a workshop or give a lecture during a conference or symposium or professional event. (Consider Continue Education/ Workshop under Teaching and Supervision if workshop or lecture was not invited; consider guest lectures/ seminars if lecture part of a UIC event or guest lecture in a UIC course)
Panelists / Moderators/Discussants
Panelist, moderator, or discussant at a conference or scholarly event
Curated Exhibits
Curated an exhibit of own work for display
Commissions and Professional Practice
Commissioned to create a scholarly work (e.g. architectural design, artwork)
Designed a visual object, illustration, graphic design. (e.g. designed the cover for a journal)
Gallery Exhibitions
Designed an exhibit for a Gallery
Performed a creative work in a recognized venue
Production was put on by the faculty member
A screen was held for a faculty members work.
Readings (oral)
Faculty member gave an oral reading of a creative work.
Works Performed by Others
A faculty member’s creative work was performed by someone else.
Works Translated by Others
Your work was translated by someone into another language.
Faculty member was involved in a competition for creative works.
Articles accepted for publication but not yet published and/or reviewed. Preprints imported through connected databases will be linked to later-published journal articles also automatically imported.
Publications that do not fit into another category
Research Grants
Research funded grant information is often populated from a feed from the OVCR. Unfunded and pending may be entered if grant submission not managed from the OVCR.
Sponsored Instruction Grants
Sponsored instruction funded grant information is often populated from a feed from the OVCR. Unfunded and pending may be entered if grant submission not managed from the OVCR.
Other Sponsored Activity Grants
Other sponsored funded grant information is often populated from a feed from the OVCR. Unfunded and pending may be entered if grant submission not managed from the OVCR.
Clinical Trial Grants
Clinical Trial funded grant information is often populated from a feed from the OVCR. Unfunded and pending may be entered if grant submission not managed from the OVCR.
Internal Grants
Grants funded internally at UIC and are not submitted through the OVCR. Must be manually entered.
Fellowships may be populated from a feed from the OVCR.
Unfunded Grants
Grants submitted through the OVCR and not funded in any of the categories (Research, sponsored instruction, other sponsored activity, and clinical trial) will enter my activities through a grant feed. They will be locked and private.
Pending Grants
Grants submitted through the OVCR and in pending status in any of the categories (Research, sponsored instruction, other sponsored activity, and clinical trial) will enter my activities through a grant feed. They will be locked and private. Once a determination is made by the funding agency, they will appear as Unfunded or in one of the funded categories.
Administrative Appointments
Service as an administrator with a formal administrative assignment (Heads, Deans, Directors, Chairs, Clinical administrators, Co-administrators and Coordinators)
Book Prospectus Reviewers
Reviewer of Book proposals
Clinical Practices (CADA)
Hold clinics for student practice.
Clinical Practices / Hospital Privileges
Clinical services in various settings, such as health center, veterinary clinic, pharmaceutical consultation, psychology clinic.
Community services
Voluntary work in the community
Community Engagement
Per the Carnegie Foundation, community engagement describes the collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial creation and exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. The purpose of community engagement is the partnership (of knowledge and resources) between colleges and universities and the public and private sectors to enrich scholarship, research, and creative activity; enhance curriculum, teaching, and learning; prepare educated, engaged citizens; strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility; address critical societal issues; and contribute to the public good.
Conference / Event attendance
Participation in an event, without an administrative role
Conference/ Event Organizer
Administration of an event as organizer, coordinator, chair, committee member
Conference Reviewers / Referees
Service as a reviewer or referee for a conference or conference prospectus
Continuing Education/ Professional Development
Participation in a continuing education program or course for the purpose of one’s own professional development. May or may not include CE credit.
Establishment of Labs/ Research Centers
Established a Lab, Research Center, or Institute
Editorial Boards/ Editorships
Editorship for a journal, book series, popular press over an extended period
Board/ External Offices
Membership on a board (advisory, executive, etc)
Expert Consulting
Advisory or consulting services to outside group/agency/government/company
Pro Bono
Provide legal expertise without charge
Expert witness
Expert testimony at trial, agency review, etc
Grant application reviews
Service on a review panel, study section, advisory group to evaluate grant proposals
Honors & Awards
Awards, distinctions received, including Fellowships
Institutional / Program reviews
Assessment, review, accreditation of a department, program, or an entire institution
Licensing and Certifications
Licensing or certification related to professional credentials
Manuscript Review (Journals / Books)
Manuscript review for a professional journal; ad hoc manuscript review for journals or books
Media Appearances/ Contributions/ Mentions
Interviewed on a news program for your research/ scholarship/ service; interviewed for a newspaper or magazine; research/ scholarship/ service highlighted in the media
Mentoring (faculty/ administrator)
Mentorship of professional (non-student)
Named Professorships
Recipient of a name professorship
Nursing Practices
Clinical nursing services in various settings with direct patient care.
Peer Evaluator of Courses
Service as a reviewer or referee for a curriculum or teaching activity
Professional Memberships
Memberships in professional organizations
Promotion Material Preparer (internal)
Prepared promotion materials for UIC faculty candidate
Promotion / Tenure review – external
Review and assessment of faculty for promotion/tenure
Service to College / Department
Committee participation (department to college) or Individual role
Search Committees Service (dept/ school/ college)
Service on a search committee (department or college). [Search committee service at the University level should go under Service to the University]
Service to University
Committee participation or individual role at the University level
Service to Profession
Committee participation or individual role at the Professional level
Service Related to Patient Care
Committee participation or individual role at the Patient Care level
Service Related to Students
Committee participation or individual role in service to students (not research supervision or instruction related)
Students or Mentees Honors or Awards
Students that you have advised receive an honor or award.
Student Recruitment
Assisted in the recruitment of students
Courses taught
Course taught by faculty member in which they were an instructor of record.
Curriculum Integrated / Workshops
Taught workshop or curriculum integrated workshop to UIC students, faculty, or staff (library only)
Guest Lectures / Seminars
Gave a seminar or guest lecture on research, scholarship, or outreach at a college event or in a UIC course (not part of a professional gathering)
Workshops / Continuing Education
Taught a workshop or course as part of a professional development program (CE may or may not have been earned by attendees). If invited, see Invited workshop/ lecture under Scholarly and Creative Works.
Course Coordination
Faculty member was the course coordinator.
Instructional Websites/ Tutorials Development
Developed websites or tutorials to support instruction.
Course Development/ Revision: Software, Teaching Materials, Instructional Techniques
Developed or substantially revised course curriculum, software, teaching materials, or instructional techniques.
Programs development
Developed a program.
Academic Advising (general)
Advised students on their academic program.
Graduate Students Advising and Supervision
Thesis or dissertation chair, advisor, or committee member of graduate students.
Residents or Post-Doctoral Fellows Supervision
Advising or supervision of resident or Post-doctoral fellow.
Undergraduate Students Advising and Supervision
Advisor, supervisor, chair, mentor of undergraduate student working on a project, independent study, or capstone.
Direction of Research Associates, Visiting Scholars, and Technicians
Advising or supervision of Research Associates, Visiting Scholars, and Technicians
Other - Supervised or Mentored Trainees
Supervised or mentored a trainee that does not fit into the other categories.
Graduate examinations (grad exam committee)
Graduate examinations role
Field Liaison Activities
Field liaison to students
Precepting/ Attending
Preceptor or attending physician for a UIC clinical program
Grand Rounds
Presented at grand rounds or noon conference
Student Mentoring
Mentored students not specific to a capstone or project.