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MyActivities allows you to generate a public profile (UICollaboratory), CVs, and BioSketches. To populate the Biographical portions of those documents, you must manually add this information to your profile through MyActivities. This includes information such as:
The following is information that can be added to your profile to enhance your public profile.
Also see:
To add your photo and contact information to your Elements profile:
You have the opportunity to write 3 statements. Overview, Research Interests, and Teaching summary.
It is ok to just write an Overview statement and include all content in the overview statement.
To highlight your expertise and increase the ability for others to bring up your profile by adding relevant terms to your profile. You can add UIC Research and Professional Expertise, Fields of Research and Mesh terms to your profile.
Label Types
Use availability to indicate the reasons why others may contact you. Currently available options include:
To add your Availability to your profile:
Entering your UIC Appointments
Because institutions and departments are used as filters, please follow the standardized format to enter your UIC appointments.
Enter your academic appointments held at other academic institutions. Enter only professional appointments since earning relevant degree(s).
Enter your non-academic employment held since earning relevant degree(s).
To add your Experience to your profile:
To add your Education to your profile:
If you would like others to contact your related to your language expertise, add your Language expertise to your profile:
To make your profile public at, log into MyActivities and click on the profile figure near the top left corner of MyActivities. On the screen that appears, click the dial button next to "Public" to make your profile public. Within a few minutes your profile will appear on the |
There may be activities, such as specific publications that you would like to highlight in your public profile ( There may also be activities that you do not wish to have appear on your public profile. You will manage this through MyActivities.
To Highlight your publications as Featured:
To Highlight your professional activities, grants, or teaching activities as Featured,
Individual activities in certain categories, such as journal articles, books, funded grants, honors & awards, memberships, and courses taught will appear by default in the UICollaboratory. These are activity categories where the activities are set to appear in the UICollaboratory. (see list of Activities appearing In UICollaboratory). By default, the individual activities in the categories are set to public, and thus will appear in the UICollaboratory. If there are individual activities that you do not want public, you may hide them by making them private. Activities in other activity categories are defaulted to private. You can choose to make them visible in MyActivities, but unless they are in a category set to appear in the UICollaboratory, it is not possible to make them public.
To hide your publications, professional activities, grants, or teaching activities from appearing in the UICollaboratory or MyActivities
Go to to view your public profile.
The personal name that is displayed in My Activities and the public profile tool are imported from Banner. If you have a preferred name, you can change your displayed name by doing the following.
Log into MyActivities
click on Menu (found in upper left corner - looks like 3 lines) and under My Profile click on About Me
under Preferred name enter what you want to see.
click update preferred name.