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Digital UIC

Digital UIC provides students, faculty, and staff of UIC the opportunity to register a domain and create a digital scholarly presence. Users can easily install open source applications like Scalar or Omeka.

Which Application is Right for my Project?

With a Digital UIC site, there are a lot of applications from which to choose. It can be daunting to decide which application will work best for the project you have in mind. This section covers several popular applications used for digital scholarship and digital humanities projects, including a comparison chart and examples of digital projects using the different applications.

Application Comparison

  Scalar Omeka Classic WordPress Grav
Learning Curve Medium Medium-high Medium Medium-high
Strengths Media-rich, long-form scholarship. Allows authors to create multiple "paths" through a text. Text and media are highly integrated. Online exhibitions where metadata is an important component. Plugins available to create maps and timelines. Crowd-sourcing features. Blogs, portfolio sites, short-form essay length scholarship. Many free or low cost templates make it easy to create a unique site without advanced web design skills. Fast and flexible websites. Users have a high degree of control over design and structure of their site. Perfect for someone who wants to explore more advanced topics like Git in a user friendly interface.
Drawbacks and Challenges Requires advanced web design skills to customize noticeably Relatively rigid structure, limited site design with out advanced web design skills More advanced features require 3rd party plug-ins that can be difficult to maintain. Lacks the ability to add detailed metadata to media. Requires familiarity with Markdown, YAML, and Twig templating
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Digital Exhibits

Digital Scholarship/ Digital Humanities Books and Essays

Open Educational Resources and Student Created Scholarship