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OJS 3 User's Guide: Website Settings


Overall, the Website Settings section allows users to customize the look and functional operations of their journal's website.

Sections You Can Configure

Website Settings: Appearance

Website Settings: Setup

Website Settings: Plugins


  • Any feature related to the look of your journal can be customized here. Features include color schemes, typography, adding imagery / logos / favicons / thumbnails, etc.
    • ​Parts:
      • Logo: Upload a logo for your journal in this section
      • Theme: Overall layout of your page (Colors and Typography change as well). There are various options to choose from (more theme options are available to download in the plugin gallery). You can contact for more information on how to install and try out different themes.
      • Journal Style Sheet: This setting allows users to upload their own CSS file. Doing so can help users to further customize minor details of their site.
      • Sidebar Management: Any information in the sidebar of your site can be moved around or deselected here. These actions affect what the audience views in their interface.
      • Homepage Image: You can upload an image to be prominently displayed on your homepage.
      • Favicon: This is a small icon that displays alongside the navigation bar when users are visiting your site.

Information / Archiving

  • Information
    • This section allows users to broadcast general messages to READERS, AUTHORS, AND LIBRARIANS. This area helps to get other information out about the journal besides the content to all individuals interacting with it.
    • You can deselect any of these areas (website settings > appearance > sidebar management) if you do not want your audience to view it in their interface.
  • Archiving - This section is useful for members of LOCKSS or CLOCKSS. It assists with retrieving any work from there and transferring it to OJS


This section allows users to publish announcements regarding their journal to their readers. You can manage announcement types and individual announcements.


  • This section allows users to configure language settings. This is important because you can make your content accessible to more people
  • Parts
    • Primary Locale: Language that appears by default
    • UI: Select all languages that you want the user interface to be available in
    • Submission: Select the languages that you will allow authors to submit their work in
    • Forms: Select the languages you want to make available for users when they fill out online forms
  • Make a language option available: Website Settings > Appearance > Sidebar Management

Navigation Menus

  • This section allows users to configure various navigation menus.
    • 2 menus are automatically generated (User Menu and Primary Menu), but can be edited or removed
      • User Menu includes: Language, View Site, and Username
      • Primary Menu includes: items on the journal home page such as Current, Archive, About, etc.
    • You can also add menus and items by clicking "Add Menu" or "Add item" in the upper right hand corner of each bar



  • Plugins are ways to activate additional features that are not automatically available on the basic OJS3 software.
  • To access Plugins: Settings > Website Settings > Plugins
  • Example: An example of a plugin would be “ORCID Profile Plugin”, which allows you to connect your ORCID Profile to your account. Plugins can also connect your social media pages to your journal
  • Plugins outside of the Gallery can also be installed
  • For any help you may need installing your plugin, contact via email or visit the plugins guide page