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OJS 3 User's Guide: Assigning Reviewers

Assigning Reviewers to a Submission

Review Process

Section editors are able to view the completed reviews in their dashboard, including the review form, comments for the author and editor, and comments only for the editor

  • Click the Confirm link to accept the review
  • After accepting the review, you will have the option to thank the reviewer

There are four options that a section editor can select for a submission

  • Request Revisions  
  • Resubmit for Review (another round of review will need to take place)
  • Send to Copyediting
  • Decline Submission
Reviewers are notified of any review requests by email or by checking their dashboards
  • View the review request by clicking the Review link located next to the title of the submission

  • A new window will open, providing all of the steps of completing your review (request, guidelines, download and review, and completion)

  • Request - accept or decline the review

  • Guidelines - displays the reviewer guidelines set by the journal

  • Download and Review - download a copy of the review files, add review comments, and complete any available review forms

    • Optional ability to upload a marked up file (strip of any identifying information)

    • Select a recommendation for the submission

      • Accept submission, revisions required, resubmit for review, resubmit elsewhere, decline submission, or leave a comment for the editor

      • Select the Submit button

  • Completion - Final confirmation screen


How to Assign

In the Reviewers panel of the Submissions tab, you can click Add Reviewer to either:

  • Select a reviewer from a list of users who have been assigned before
  • Create a new reviewer account
  • Enroll an existing user as a reviewer

After choosing a user to act as a reviewer, a new window will appear, allowing you to: