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English 161: Writing about Corporations: Articles


General/Multidisciplinary Databases

The general databases listed below are a good place to begin research but they often provide limited coverage. Use subject-specific databases to find more articles on your topic.

Subject-Specific Databases

Subject-specific databases offer in-depth coverage of specific disciplines or subject areas. The databases listed below are recommended based on the overall theme of your English 161 course.


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Tips for Searching Databases

The following techniques can improve your success when searching in the article databases.

Enter phrases in quotes:  "corporate responsibility," "fast food"

Use truncation symbols to search for alternate word endings: In most databases, entering corporat* searches for corporate, corporation, and corporations.

If one term doesn't work, try a few others. Experiment with different vocabulary related to your topic. Brainstorm ideas for relevant keywords and use background sources such as wikipedia, Facts on File Issue and Controversies or CQ Researcher for suggestions.

Industry Information