Need more help? We have a number of options available to you to get help with searching.
Chat with a Librarian
You can use the Chat with a Librarian feature on nearly all library pages. On a computer or a phone, this will be available in the lower right, of library pages. The Chat feature is staffed by librarians and trained graduate students the same hours the Daley Library is open, 8am-1am most weekdays during semesters, shorter hours on weekends and during breaks.
Subject Guides
Looking for help searching on a certain subject? Subject librarians have created guides to many topics that may help. Our Subject Guides are organized by subject here.
Email Service
Need help but not in a rush? Email a library subject specialist or use the email form here.
Make an Appointment with a Librarian
Some questions may need in-depth help. If you need help from a librarian, use this easy form to contact a subject specialist.
For questions or further assistance, contact your liaison librarian.