Search Help

Help with UIC Library Search

Search Tips

Some tips for expert searching in the UIC Library Search

Choose your Scope

The UIC Library Search gives you the option to search in several different ways.  You can choose your scope in the search box.

  • UIC Catalog and Articles- All items available in the UIC Library Search
  • UIC Catalog only- Only items available directly through the UIC library (no journal articles)
  • All I-Share Libraries- Only items available through I-Share Libraries
  • Articles- Only journal articles available in the UIC Library Search
Login to the Catalog for Better Results

Some results only appear in the UIC library catalog for users who are logged in.  Additionally, you cannot request items or manage items that have been checked out unless you login.  

Boolean Search Terms

The UIC Library Search allows the use of Boolean search terms to manage what items are found in your search.  

  • AND, using the term and between search terms will only return results that have both search terms
  • OR, using the term or between search terms will return results that have either search term
  • NOT, using the term not between search terms will return results that have the first term, but do not include the second term
Limiting Results

In the library search results, you can use filters to limit the results you see.  You can use this to show only a certain type of results, such as only books or journal articles, or to show materials that meet certain requirements, such as available online or peer reviewed.  

Using I-Share

The catalog can display results from other libraries around Illinois that are available through I-Share.  These items can be requested if you are logged in to your account.