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About the University Archives @ UIC

Learn more about the insitutional repository for historical records of UIC!

Items We Do Not Accept

Documents which generally should not be donated without prior consultation with the University Archivist include:

  • Detailed financial records:
    canceled checks, statements, and receipts;
  • Routine correspondence:
    especially non-personally addressed correspondence and routine communication of transmittal and acknowledgment unless that correspondence is about professional work;
  • Grade books, class rosters, and student work:
    student work is the property of the student and may not be transferred to the UIC Archives without a signed deed of gift from the student;
  • Duplicates and multiple copies:
    articles, publications, and course materials; note: keep only the original and heavily annotated copies;
  • Drafts and galleys of publications and speeches:  
    unless the final publication or presentation is unavailable or the draft documents are a major shift from the final version or they are extremely annotated;
  • Work by other people:
    books, research papers, theses and dissertations, journal articles, and reprints;
  • Research notes and data:
    bibliographic notes and notes on readings; and
  • Artifacts and memorabilia:
    the University Archives does not collect non-documentary objects except in cases of great importance.  Accepted items must be of a manageable physical size and condition. 

This list is intended as a general guide.  Broad variations in personal papers exist.  A consult with the University Archivist is recommended to determine how your files relate to these guidelines. Please contact the University Archivist.