Need a quick question answered?
For quick questions, such as how to access a resource or how to navigate the library website, we recommend using the blue "Chat with a librarian" widget that shows up on all pages of the library website (including this one!). Here you can put in some basic information about you and then type in your question.
Chat is currently staffed:
Monday-Thursday from 7:30 a.m.-1 a.m. (CST)
Friday from 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday from 10 a.m.- 7 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m.-1 a.m
You can also submit a question via email using this online form.
Need more in-depth assistance?
There is a liaison librarian assigned to work with each department on campus, and they'll be the most familiar with the databases and other resources used by students and faculty in that area. You can reach out to them with a question directly or you can set up an online appointment. If you are interested in getting some subject specific assistance, you can either contact them directly, or you can submit your request using this form to set up an appointment.
During an online appointment, the librarian can share their screen with you, or you can share your screen with them, so that you can both work through a search together and also troubleshoot any access issues that come up.
When making an appointment, please make sure you request the time that works for you in terms of the CST (Central Standard Time, the time for Chicago). While there may be times when your liaison is not available, we will work to try and find a librarian who can discuss your work with you!