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VisualDx is a diagnostic tool that includes images of conditions on different skin colors. This video shows how to search for images based on a condition, and filter your results based on skin pigmentation.
The Video Atlas was originally intended to be used by individual medical and dental students. Because of its realism, simple language, and three-dimensional quality, the Video Atlas has become popular with students and teachers in many other fields and also with people not on a professional learning path who are looking for information about human anatomy. Includes captions.
Bates' Visual Guide delivers head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques for the Assessment or Introduction to Clinical Medicine course. Bates' Visual Guide features Bates' physical examinations skills videos, as well as OSCE Clinical Skills videos. Includes captions.
Tip: After clicking the link, select Library Continue as anonymous library user to access Bates' Visual Guide.
VisualDx is a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety.
Note: users can also sign up for a FREE VisualDx Personal Account by clicking the Quick Registration Link below while on your institution Wi-Fi network or VPN. VisualDX Institutional Login
Access provided courtesy of the College of Medicine.
Images that are in the public domain or where the copyright has been consigned to the Library may be used freely, with attribution, for research, study and educational purposes. For permission to publish, distribute, or use an image for any other purpose, please look for any Request Permissions link near the image. Unsure where to look? Ask a librarian. Please attribute images to the source.