Transcriptome/Metabolome DatabaseThis website was constructed as an effort to present the taxonomic aspects of the project through the dissemination of images of the plants being investigated in this Transcriptome Project. Additionally, it serves to link to our various progresses, and to the evolving versions of transcriptome data analysis that we are generating. Thus, more specifically, this website serves as a link between the transcriptome data and the plant species being investigated through the voucher herbarium specimens in deposit at the John G. Searle Herbarium of the Field Museum, Chicago. These specimens serve as evidence of the organisms being investigated, while also enriching the scientific contents of the Field Museum's collection holding, both botanically and biochemically. The living collections of these plants, maintained in the greenhouse of the University of Illinois Pharmacognosy Field Station in Downer's Grove, IL, and at the Dorothy Bradley Atkins Medicinal Plants Garden at the College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago, similarly serve as evidence of the plants being investigated, while also serving as a continuing source of raw materials for future studies.