Autism in LibrariesIn recent years, autism has been more broadly defined than it previously had been, and we now understand autism to be an issue of overstimulated nerves — a problem which may be moderate or extreme and which is associated with ADHD, OCD, and other nerve-and-brain differences – which means the autistic person responds differently than the allistic one. Because of more comprehensive support in the schools, more autistic students are attending college and entering the workforce. As a result, their presence in higher ed and in the broader community is growing, in numbers or in visibility or both, and that means we are seeing more people with autism in libraries. This presentation focuses on some of the ways in which autistic users’ communication and study needs are different from those of allistic users, and what you might need to know in your interactions with them as library users or as employees. We’ll talk about hypersensitivities and how they shape behavior and about different perceptions regarding ambiguities, as well as some things you might want to know about social interaction with autistic users. 1 hour.