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Sociology: SOC 490 Tips

Working with Your Sociology Librarian

Contact Paula Dempsey to set up a zoom with one or more members of your group - the earlier the better!

Paula can work with you to:

  • Set up shared folders in RefWorks or Zotero to improve collaboration and make it easy to cite sources in ASA style.
  • Identify data sources to wow your client.
  • Develop search strategies for relevant sociological theories and previous research.

5 Things to Know about Your Community Partner (and How to Find Out)

1. What issue(s) does the organization work on?
Tip: Brainstorm multiple ways to express the issue (e.g., not just Homelessness but also Housing or Gentrification).


2. How have sociologists studied the organization or the issue(s) they are working on?
Tip: Researchers often keep the name of the organization confidential. If you don’t find the organization by name, use keywords for the issue instead.

3. Who funds the organization and what is their budget spent on?
Tip: Set up a free account on GuideStar to download IRS 990 forms; scroll down to see funders and annual budget.


4. What does local press have to say about the organization or the issue(s) they work on?
Tip: Newspapers have different political slants – don’t rely on just one:


5. What are the demographics of the communities the organization serves?
Tip: The library has several platforms to allow you to map communities and sub-communities (e.g., teens, older people, single parents).