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Kinesiology 436: Health Coaching: Research Help

Tips for Searching Catalogs and Databases

The following techniques can improve your success with online searching, whether you're searching a catalog for books or a database for articles:

  • Enter phrases in quotes:  "body image" "aerobic exercise" "health coaching"
  • Use truncation symbols to search for alternate word endings: In most databases, entering athlet* searches for athletic, athletics, athlete, and atheletes.
  • If one term doesn't work, try a few others. Experiment with different vocabulary related to your topic. Brainstorm ideas for relevant keywords and use background sources such as encyclopedias for suggestions.

Select a Working Population

Use these resources to explore working populations (i.e. "construction workers", "retail workers", "truck drivers, etc.) and the occupational health issues they encounter.

Grey Research/ Grey Literature

Types of Grey Literature

Grey Literature Wordle

Where to find it?

Professional Organization Websites (Does your working group have a professional organization? A union? Do they have anything to say about work-related injuries? A policy paper, newsletter article, fact sheet, training manual, etc. can be considered grey literature.)

Government Websites (Almost everything from the government is grey literature! Think about resources from the CDC/NIOSH, DOL, laws, data from the Census, etc.)

It's always a good idea to run your grey literature resource by your professor.

Liaison Librarian

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Amelia Brunskill
Amelia Brunskill
Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago