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Scholarly Impact Challenge

Day 1: Register for an ORCID ID and connect it to MyActivities

Day one's challenge can be covered in three basic steps:

  1. Register for an ORCID ID -- It's free and easy.
  2. Add some Info about yourself to ORCID
  3. Add your ORCID MyActivities

Already have an ORDIC ID? Skip to Step 3 to connect your ORCID with MyActivities.

STEP 1: Register for an ORCID iD

Click HERE to register for an ORCID ID

When registering, make sure to click on "EVERYONE" in the "Visibility Settings" portion of the form. Doing so will make your research more visible and discoverable. Note: your email address(es) are always kept private. More info here

Once you have registered for an ORCID, connect it with your UIC NetID and password, so you don't have to remember another password!  On the ORCID sign-in page, click on Institutional Account to log in.  Type in "University of Illinois Chicago" and you will be directed to UIC's single sign-on page.  Once this connection is made, you can log in with your UIC Net ID and password.

STEP 2: Add some background information to ORCID

Add your basic biographical info, for example, education and affiliation(s), and make it public. 

STEP 3: Connect your ORCID with MyActivities

Login to MyActivities: 


Under My Actions at the top of the page, if you have not already connected your ORCID iD in MyActivities, click "Connect".   Copy and paste your ORCID iD from ORCID.  Follow the instructions to add your ORCID iD to MyActivities.  



If your ORCID is already connected:

If your ORCID iD is already connected, you will see your ORCID iD displayed under your name in top right of MyActivities, and the connection box will not appear under My Actions.  No further action is needed.


Optional: Return to ORCID and Add Additional Information

You may want to return later to add some additional information to ORCID 

  • Add name variants you have used in the past.
  • Add a few Publications.  You will want to make your works "public" for maximum visibility and discoverability!
    • You can add publications in three ways: 
      • Link your works from another system such as through Scopus (recommended - directions below).
      • Import a BibTeX file of your works.
      • Enter your works manually.
  • To link your works from another system, choose Search & Link from the Add Works portion of your ORCID record. You can then select a database that's likely to contain most of your published work. We recommend CrossRef or Scopus as interdisciplinary choices.


ORCID strongly recommends using its Search & Link wizard since it will reduce or eliminate data transposition errors, and also enable a reliable link between your ORCID iD and your works.


What is ORCID? ORCID gives you your own persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities to ensure that your work is recognized -- and attached to you!

Why register for an ORCID iD?:

  • Many researchers use ORCID IDs, and NIH already requires PIs to be registered with ORCID. In light of NSPM-33, researchers who receive or intend to apply for federal funding are encouraged to register with ORCID. In addition, effective January 2023, NSF will require all biosketches and current & pending support to be submitted via SciENcv which requires the ORCID account. 
  • Makes your work discoverable by others
  • Provides a means to distinguish between you and other authors with identical or similar names
  • Ensures your publications and activities are correctly attributed to your name especially if you have published under a different version of your name (e.g., Jane T. Smith, J. Tina Smith, J. T. Smith), or have changed your name.
  • Can help you minimize repetitive data entering - Streamline submissions to publishers, grant funders, and associations, which increasingly integrate ORCID IDs and send data to your profile
  • Improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs.
  • Makes it easy for others (grant funders, other researchers etc.) to find your research output.
  • Is interoperable -- it works with many institutions, funders, and publishers.
  • Is persistent -- you can use it throughout your research career.

Ways to Utilize your ORCID iD

A few ways to use ORCID:

  • Use your ORCID iD when prompted in processes such as manuscript submission and grant proposals and reporting.
  • Link your ORCID iD to (or include it in your profile for) other services, including ResearcherID, and your professional organizations.
  • Include your ORCID on conference posters (generate a QR code, if you like, right from your ORCID record page) to direct people to your works.
  • Consider including your ORCID iD on your webpage, in social media accounts, and in your email signature.

Go to account settings found under you name when logged into ORID to get code to display your iD on other sites or to get a QR Code for your iD.

See more about ORCID: