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The UIC Library has access to hundreds of databases, so if you're not finding information in the ones listed on this guide please contact a librarian so we can recommend others to you! (Alternatively, you can look on other research guides for topic-specific databases, or browse all of them on our Databases A-Z page.)
Rehabilitation Reference Center (RRC) is an evidence-based clinical reference tool for use by rehabilitation clinicians at the point-of-care. RRC provides therapists and students with available evidence for their information needs in the areas of: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and more.
PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's to present.
CINAHL covers literature related to nursing and allied health.
Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source provides indexing for over 200 sports medicine and rehabilitation journals.
Now called APA PsycINFO. Abstract and index of Psychology and the psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, nursing, sociology, business, education, etc.
Multidisciplinary coverage of over 10,000 journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, as well as published proceedings for over 12,000 conferences per year, and over 50,000 scholarly books. Allows searching for articles in the database that have cited a particular work, as well as perform other analytics.
Find additional journals in print and electronic format by entering an "Advanced Search" in the library catalog (sport? OR kinesiology OR exercise), limit format to Journals/Magazines.
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