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Nursing 101: Borrowing @ UIC

Nursing Students' Orientation to Using the UIC Library

Requesting Books from the UIC Library

Due to COVID19, the following service is not available:

Books from any UIC Library can be requested online through the catalog and sent to your home library.  The borrowing period may range from between a few hours to several weeks, depending on where the book is located.  Books can be renewed through My Account, on the phone, or in person.  When you receive your new I-Card, please contact the circulation desk to activate it.  


You may be able to obtain copies of articles or pdfs of book chapters through i-Share.


If UIC Library does not own the book you need or if it is unavailable, you may request that book through CARLI I-Share.  I-Share is a consortium of over 80 libraries in Illinois. Users from any I-Share library can borrow materials and have them delivered to their home library. 

Required Textbooks Available on Reserve

Required textbooks may either be available as e-books or may be on reserve at each Library of the Health Sciences. Funding was received from the Library/IT Assessment fund for providing textbooks for students. The library may not always have the textbooks required for your courses.