Image downloaded from museum website:
Fig. 2. Kerry James Marshall, Many Mansions. 1994. Acrylic on paper mounted on canvas, 289.6 x 342.9 cm. The Art Institiute of Chicago, Chicago, IL. From: The Art Institute of Chicago, (accessed September 10, 2020).
Image downloaded from Flickr Commons:
Fig. 3. P. Lecher, Women's Art Class at State School of the Deaf, Delavan, Wisconsin. c. 1880, Black and white photographic print, 19 x 24 cm. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. From: Flickr Commons, (accessed September 10, 2020).
Image downloaded from Flickr (personal images):
Fig. 4. Senor Codo, One Last Time. 2007. From: Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 Generic License (accessed September 10, 2020).
Image scanned from a book:
Fig. 5. Tarsila do Amaral, Shantytown Hill. 1924, Oil on canvas, 64.5 x 76 cm. Hecilda and Sergio Fadel Collection, Rio de Janeiro. From: Greet, Michele. Transatlantic Encounters: Latin American Artists in Paris Between the Wars. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018. Figure 112.