Domains that influence evidence-based decision making. Source: Satterfield, J. M., Spring, B., Brownson, R. C., Mullen, E. J., Newhouse, R. P., Walker, B. B., & Whitlock, E. P. (2009). Toward a transdisciplinary model of evidence-based practice. The Milbank Quarterly, 87(2), 368-390. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0009.2009.00561.x
According to Jacobs, et al., scholars in the fields of medicine, nursing, psychology, and social work “seem to agree that the evidence-based decision-making process integrates 1) best available research evidence, 2) practitioner expertise and other available resources, and 3) the characteristics, needs, values, and preferences of those who will be affected by the intervention.”
Jacobs JA, Jones E, Gabella BA, Spring B, Brownson RC. (2012). Tools for implementing an evidence-based approach in public health practice. Preventing Chronic Disease 9, 110324. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd9.110324