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Mukurtu: Other Features

Traditional Knowledge Labels

Traditional Knowledge Labels are digital, educational tags to be used by Indigenous communities to provide additional information about digital cultural heritage materials in the public domain or owned by third parties (museums, archives, libraries, scholars, etc.). These labels help to correct historical mistakes, add missing information, and provide local knowledge. They act as cultural and social action guides for non-Indigenous people to learn, understand, and respect different cultural perspectives and concerns about the correct and appropriate ways of listening, viewing, and using traditional knowledge. Traditional Knowledge Labels are important also to make it clear that Indigenous communities are the true stewards of these materials, regardless of Western legal structures. They are only to be used by Indigenous communities or by cultural institutions in collaboration with an Indigenous community. This field can be found under the 'Rights and Permissions' tab when creating a digital heritage item.


This field is used to identify people who have been left out of the record because they were not a creator or contributor. This can include people identifiable in a photograph, speaking in an audio recording, present in a video, or even referenced in a document. This field can be found under the ‘Additional Metadata’ tab when creating a digital heritage item.


This is a plain text field used to provide a text transcription of an audio or video recording or text from an image or document. This allows the text to be discoverable when searching for digital heritage items. This field can be found under the ‘Additional Metadata’ tab when creating a digital heritage item.

Community Records

The community records feature allows for multiple areas of narration with regards to an item and to share those specific records with the appropriate users. This can be found under the ‘Relations’ tab when creating a digital heritage item.