Psychiatrists and Psychologists
Psychiatrists and psychologists are people who help us with our mental health. They go to different types of schools and get different training.
A psychiatrist is a doctor that can diagnose and treat people. They will have 12 years, or more, of school and training after they graduate from high school. Psychiatrists must understand your physical body and your mental health. They have many ways to help you.
A psychologist helps people to understand their thoughts and feelings. They will have 8 years, or more, of school and training after high school. Psychologists use therapy to help you - usually through listening and coaching.
Psychiatrists and psychologists like to work as a team to help their patients.
Psychiatrists in Training
These doctors have already finished college and graduated from medical school, but they are not quite ready to take care of their own patients. They are in their final step of training, called a “residency.” After they finish residency, they will take a big test over all of the information that is important for doctors to know.