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This guide has links to patient education information in English, Spanish, and other languages. This website is the new look for the SALUD project.

What is SALUD?

The SALUD Public Health Information Pilot Project . . . is a collaboration between the Chicago Department of Public Health and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Library of the Health Sciences and College of Nursing. The goals of the SALUD project are to:
1. Develop a cadre of community health nursing students well educated in accessing and evaluating health education materials.
2. Increase patient health education with reading-level and language-appropriate materials.
3. Increase knowledge of and access to health information by nurses and physicians in Chicago public health clinics.

This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, under Contract No. NO1-LM-1-3513.


Salud Website Image

Guide Author

Rebecca Raszewski

Contact Info:
LHS-Chicago: (312) 996-2759

Skype: raszewr1