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Nursing Experts: Translating the Evidence

The NExT Team


NExT Project Logo


Like many large projects, NExT has been a collaborative effort.  Thanks to all team members past and present for their contributions!

Active Team Members:

Past Team Members:

  • Kathleen Baldwin, PhD, RN
  • Felicia Barrett, MLS
  • Alexa DeBoth, MPA, MPH
  • Jo Dorsch, MALS, AHIP, FMLA
  • Jamie Dwyer, MLS
  • Patricia Lewis, PhD, RN
  • Marta McMillion, MPH, MS, CHES
  • Kelly O'Brien, MSLIS
  • Ryan Rafferty, MLIS
  • Joan Ruppman, MS, RN
  • Carrol Smith, PhD, RN
  • Jennifer Taylor, EdD, MIS
  • Naomi Twigg, PhD, PHCNS-BC, RN

Project Reach

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Talking About the Project


  • Online evidenced based education modules for public health nurses: Nursing Experts Translating the Evidence (NExT). Association of Community Health Nurse Educators 2017 Conference. Podium Presentation.