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Kinesiology 335: Exercise Psychology: Get Help: Search Tips & More

This guide provides information for students in KN 335

Determining if a Journal is Peer-Reviewed

How do I know if my article comes from a peer-reviewed journal?

  • You can use Ulrich's Periodicals Directory to check to see if a particular journal is peer-reviewed. If it is, the record will include the referree jacket icon depicted above, meaning that the journal is "refereed"/peer-reviewed
  • Peer-reviewed journals contain articles that have been carefully reviewed by experts in a particular field of study to ensure that the research they present meets high standards of quality
  • Peer-reviewed journals are also referred to as scholarly, academic, or refereed

Search Tips

The following techniques can improve your success with online searching, whether you're searching a catalog for books or a database for articles:

  • Enter phrases in quotes:  "body image" "aerobic exercise"
  • Use truncation symbols to search for alternate word endings: In most databases, entering athlet* searches for athletic, athletics, athlete, and atheletes.
  • If one term doesn't work, try a few others. Experiment with different vocabulary related to your topic. Brainstorm ideas for relevant keywords and use background sources such as encyclopedias for suggestions.

Reading a Scholarly Article