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Advanced Search Strategies

A guide to learning search tools to conduct the best search string in multiple databases

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators are words (AND, OR, NOT) that let you expand or narrow your search parameters when using a database or search engine. You can use these words alongside keywords to refine your search.

Boolean Operator Function
AND Provides results that contain all keywords. Using AND between search terms will narrow your results.
OR Provides results that contain either (or both) keywords. Using OR between search terms will broaden your results. 
NOT Provides results that contain the first keyword but not the second keyword. Using NOT between your search terms will narrow your results. 

Visual venn diagram of boolean operator results

Combining Searches


Nesting is a way to combine several Boolean operators into one comprehensive search statement. Use parentheses ( ) to separate keywords when using more than one operator. Generally, databases process the search in the order of AND, OR, NOT. Searches within parentheses are performed first and operations proceed from left to right.

Example: (fruit) AND (apple OR orange)

Search results will be in the shaded region of the Venn diagram


Phrase Searching 

Phrase searching allows users to search phrases rather than containing a set of keywords in random order. Each database uses different symbols to search a phrase.

PubMed OVID Cochrane Embase Web of Science EBSCOhost ProQuest Scopus Nexis Uni
"double quotation marks" NO quotation marks needed

"double quotation marks" 

but NEXT when using truncation

'single quotation marks' "double quotation marks" "double quotation marks"

"{double quotation marks and curly brackets}"

Tip: "{double quotation marks and curly brackets also used for truncation and wildcards}"

"double quotation marks" for loose phrasing

{curly brackets} for exact phrasing

"double quotation marks"


How to Construct a Search String 

Flow chart of how to construct a search string