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Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization

Performance analysis tools

CRExplorerCited References Explorer uses data downloaded from Scopus and Web of Science to perform citation analysis over time and is often used to determine influential publications in a subject area. Free to download and use.

Publish or PerishA software program that pulls information from several databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, and CrossRef. Free to download and use.

ScientoPyUIAn open-source software program allows users to import data downloaded from Scopus and Web of Science to perform a scientific analysis of citations, find the H-Index, and more. Free to download and use.

Mapping & visualization tools

VOSviewerA software tool made for "constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks may, for instance, include journals, researchers, or individual publications, and they can be constructed based on citation, bibliographic coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relationships." Free to download and use.

CiteSpaceA Java-supported tool for "visualizing and analyzing trends and patterns in scientific literature. Primarily used for Web of Science, though data from other sides such as arXiv, PubMed, and NSF Award Abstracts can be obtained. Free to download and use.

BibliometrixAn open-source R-tool that is used to complete complex scientific bibliometric analysis. It uses data from Scopus, Web of Science, Dimensions, PubMed, and Cochrane. A version called biblioshiny has been released for use in R for non-coders. Free to download and use..

GephiAn open-source network and visualization software that allows users to import data from almost anywhere under-supported file formats. Requires knowledge of Java and/or OpenGL to use fully. Free to use and download.

Sci2A scientific visualization and analysis tool that scientists and librarians designed for scientists.  Free to download and use.