Collections Management

Intranet presence of the Collections Management department

Requests for books

To request ebooks for all sites or print books for LHS-Chicago, please search for a book in Gobi and add it to the relevant folder. Use the Notes field to supply contact information with name, title, and email, or to offer any hints or suggestions about location, platform, or license type.

  • LHS E-book Requests
  • LHS Chicago Recommended

The Collections Management Librarian will review these folders and make purchases weekly. For time sensitive requests or items not in Gobi, please add items to the relevant folder and email Carl. (To use the folders, you will first have to turn on the folders in Gobi by going to Folders -> Manage Library Folders. Ask Carl if you have questions.)

For Reserves requests, please use the Reserves form.

Requests for journals and databases

For requests for journals, databases, or other larger items, you can use the LHS Collections Requests spreadsheet or email Carl with relevant information, including:

  • Title
  • Publisher/vendor
  • Webpage
  • Cost
  • Requested by
  • Any other context about usefulness, intended audience, etc.