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MHPE 505 - Library Orientation Guide: Health Professions Education Journals & Resources

Course Guide for MHPE 501 & 505

Search String HPE Journals

"Acad Med"[Journal] OR "Med Educ"[Journal] OR "J Dent Educ"[Journal] OR "Eval Health Prof"[Journal] OR "J Nurs Educ"[Journal] OR "Am J Pharm Educ"[Journal] OR "J Contin Educ Health Prof"[Journal] OR "Med Teach"[Journal] OR "Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract"[Journal] OR "Teach Learn Med"[Journal]

How to use the search string above. Copy and paste the string into the PubMed search box and press search. This will create a large result set of articles published in the listed journals. If you do a concept search separately and then add both searches together on the Advanced page, your results will include articles published in the listed journals that are indexed for the concept you searched. The most effective concept search should use keywords and MeSH topics. The link to the Advanced page is under the PubMed search box. 

Here is an example of a concept search for problem-based learning using the MeSH term and keywords. Once this search is completed, join it to the journal set search string above using AND. 

"Problem-Based Learning"[Mesh] OR "problem based learning" OR "problem based curriculum" OR "problem based curricula" OR "experiential learning" OR "active learning"

Here is what the unified search string would look like: 

("Acad Med"[Journal] OR "Med Educ"[Journal] OR "J Dent Educ"[Journal] OR "Eval Health Prof"[Journal] OR "J Nurs Educ"[Journal] OR "Am J Pharm Educ"[Journal] OR "J Contin Educ Health Prof"[Journal] OR "Med Teach"[Journal] OR "Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract"[Journal] OR "Teach Learn Med"[Journal]) AND ("Problem-Based Learning"[Mesh] OR "problem based learning" OR "problem based curriculum" OR "problem based curricula" OR "experiential learning" OR "active learning")

On 7/29/2019 this search resulted in 2605 results. You can add to the journal set by following the format in the string and making sure that any added journals are indexed in the NLM Catalog for MEDLINE.  

Search String HPE Journals by ISBN

1043-4046 OR 1522-1229 OR 1935-9772 OR 1935-9780 OR 0307-4412 OR 1876-2859 OR 1876-2867 OR 1042-9670 OR 1545-7230 OR 1076-6332 OR 1878-4046 OR 0353-9504 OR 1332-8166 OR 1396-5883 OR 1600-0579 OR 0022-0337 OR 1930-7837 OR 1040-2446 OR 1938-808X  OR 1382-4996 OR 1573-1677 OR 1472-6920 OR 1923-1202 OR 1473-9879 OR 1475-990X OR 0013-1091 OR 0270-1960 OR 1545-3847 OR 1550-8897 OR 1949-8349 OR 1949-8357 OR 1931-7204 OR 1878-7452 OR 1087-2981 OR 0142-159X OR 1466-187X OR 0100-5502 OR 1981-5271 OR 1040-1334 OR 1532-8015 OR 1743-4971 OR 1743-498X OR 1356-1820 OR 1469-9567 OR 0022-0124 OR 0148-4834 OR 0260-6917 OR 1532-2793 OR 1536-5026 OR 0002-9459 OR 1553-6467 OR 1941-9430 OR 1941-9449 OR 0163-2787 OR 1552-3918 OR 1931-7913 OR 1935-7885 OR 1542-8818 OR  2156-8650 OR 1042-5055 OR  0002-9378 OR 1097-6868 OR  0098-7484 OR 1538-3598 OR 1525-1497 OR 0884-8734  OR  1860-3572  OR 1554-558X OR 0894-1912  OR 2161-4083 OR 1087-2981 OR  1559-713X  OR 1559-2332 OR 1905-7415 OR 1916-7342 OR 1548-923X OR 1746-1340 OR  1746-0689 OR  0098-6151 OR 0098-6151 OR 1945-1997 OR 0002-9459 OR 0899-1855 OR 1938-3533 OR 0308-0110 OR 1365-2923 OR  0002-9343 OR 1555-7162 OR 0742-3225 OR 1938-3800 OR 1357-6283 OR 1469-5804 OR 1347-3409 OR 1345-4676

The search URL below activates in PubMed

E-Journals at UIC

Major Health Professions Education Journals


To find more UIC E-books by author, title, or subject, select Electronic Resources under Quick Limit when searching in our library catalog.

Library Catalog


Search String for 11/12 Journals Covered in PubMed

Copy/paste this string into the PubMed search box to create a filter (aka "hedge") to use with other concept sets for a search of these journals.

"Acad Med"[Journal] OR "Adv Med Educ Pract"[Journal] OR "BMC Med Educ"[Journal] OR "Int J Med Educ"[Journal] OR "J Grad Med Educ"[Journal] OR "J Med Educ"[Journal] OR "Med Teach"[Journal] OR "Teach Learn Med"[Journal] OR "Clin Teach"[Journal] OR "J Contin Educ Health Prof"[Journal] OR "J Int Assoc Med Sci Educ"[Journal]

  • Not present in the string – Medical Education Development